This Video of an Erupting Volcano Will Make You Jump // Pngvolcano

Newly released footage of a volcano as it erupted in Papua New Guinea captures a plume of smoke bursting, a sonic boom and a man, amazed by it all, exclaiming "Holy Smoking Tolitos!"

See also: Hawaii Volcano Flow Could Hit Rural Area in About a Week

Mount Tavurvur erupted on Aug. 29, but the roughly one-minute YouTube video of the blast taken by a man named Phil McNamara wasn"t released until Friday

As of Saturday afternoon, it had been viewed nearly 1.2 million times

The video, taken from a boat on the water, is steady as the vessel moves, humming along. Then black smoke explodes out of the volcano and a man can be heard saying "Watch out for the shock, it"s coming." Read more...

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from MashableBrittany Levine

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